Pratt Landscape Design

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Pratt LD Plants, round 2

It’s that time again. Here’s a look at the plants I snapped last week with information on each. They’re all from #theseplantsbringallthebuzztomyyard so this is a fun project feature as well. I hope you find these helpful! Feel free to like/share/comment/ask questions!

Pennisetum Hameln, Fountain Grass

Achillea, Red Yarrow

Agave Desmetiana, Smooth Agave

Agave, Blue Glow

Hardenbergia violacea, Purple Lilac Vine

Calandrinia, Pink Rock Purslane

Dasylirion longissimum, Mexican Grass Tree

Gaillardia, Blanket Flower

Gaura, Pink

Hesperaloe parvifolium ‘Brakelights’ Red Yucca

Kniphofia uvarua, Red Hot Poker, Mango

Rosa, ‘Rio Samba’ Rose (under arbor)

Senecio, Blue Chalksticks

Bright Star Yucca

Cercis, Redbud (back left corner, supporting role)

Palo Verde (front and center…the showstopper tree)

(Boston Ivy and Yellow Roses were existing, everything else came out!)